Saturday, January 10, 2009

Snowy Day


This is a view of our snowy neighborhood from our front porch. It's been snowing all day today and most of last night!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Detroit Harley "Wear"


Out of the blue today I got a text msg from my husband today that said, "Since I cannot own a Harley, I am going to get some wear". Not sure where it came from, but he's right...he cannot own a Harley! LOL

So, here's the back of his "wear". He also got a hat. I think the shirt is pretty cool, actually...but don't tell him that! ;)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Smiling Princess Beans Kitty


This is our little girl kitty, Beans. The hubbs calls her "Princess". We're having some issues with her bathroom habits right now, but we're trying to work them out. I caught her under my desk when I realized I had forgotten to take my picture for today! Whoops!

Doesn't it look like she's smiling?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week One Scrapped!

Week 1

I had some time waiting for laundry to finish so I scrapped my week one photos!

Credits: Papers and Swirly Element - Freebie kit, "Chilly Willy" by Bren Boone Designs

Topaz at the Vet


Well actually, this is Topaz ready to get back into the car AFTER the vet visit!! He needed a routine blood draw to check his PB worries!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Toothpaste Tube Press!


I have been looking for these things forever!! I had members of my family looking for them...all so we can get every drop of toothpaste out of our tubes! haha

I FINALLY found them at Wallgreens! I was too excited. So this is today's picture. LOL

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fabulous Chalkware Pear


I got this fabulous pear a few years ago from my mother. He (she?) hangs proudly in my kitchen. Unfortunately, a bad kitty knocked it off the wall and it suffered some damage. A little glue and it's good as new...minus the large chip on the left side. *sigh*

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Razzle on Washing Machine


After I give the dog his pills I usually let him and Onyx outside. When I walked through the laundry room I found a sleeping Razzle curled up on a towel on the washing machine. I thought it was really cute so I grabbed my camera and snapped this picture!